Tomorrow is our annual Property Owners Association meeting. POA for short.
I’m the secretary. It’s my job to ensure people […]
I’m eating one of my favorite vegetables as I type. Sometimes I need a divine writing muse of sorts and […]
Stepping outside last night reminded me I live in the country with critters. A definite black-with-white-stripe odor wrapped me up […]
My wife’s been gone for a week spending time with our daughter and her family in Phoenix. When you have […]
The cacti on the corner didn’t like the single-digit temps of February. They’re laying over on themselves like dark-green Gumbys […]
My near-empty propane tank finally received propane last Friday. 11 days after it was originally scheduled.
Our ticket ended up […]
Anesthesia – especially the general kind – scares me.
I know statistically, it’s not that dangerous. You only have about […]
Emotional words are the engine that spins conversation into a roller coaster ride.
Words like “Always” and “Never” hint at extreme feelings of love or bitterness.
“You always give great presents,” vs “You always yell at me.” “You never compliment me,” vs “You’re never late.”