The prickly pears began their move from green to shiny burgundy a few weeks ago. Supposedly ripening for eating.
A geologist friend led us on a field trip last weekend. “There’s an outcropping of rock found only in Llano county. Let’s get some.”
Some days unfold like shrink-wrapped mattresses. Escaping from their box never to be returned. Knocking over everything as soon as the tape is cut.
My lavenders planted next to the boulders began going to heaven in early August. Even on a twice-a-day irrigation drip. Even with an extra twice-a-week water hose.
Our staff started a #loftygoals slack channel. A repository for the things we’d love to be able to see or do one day as a network.
An abundance of soft green plants sprung up in my Bermuda starting in June. Me – of the weedless lawn preference – readied my arsenal.
Thin crust Mediterranean veggie. That’s what I ordered last night since my wife was out of town. Home alone is best experienced with a pizza married to an adult beverage.
Just 20 minutes into my first high adventure trek with my oldest son, one of the dads turned back. He chose basecamp and the pool over blisters, chafing, and lugging 25+ pounds of water on your back up and down the Davis mountains in July.