
2-Minute Multiple: Denial

I’m chewing only on the left side of my mouth. 

A corner of one of my molars decided it wanted to strike out on its own. Explore the world. Mimic the prodigal son.

Which means I eat soft foods and avoid the mutineer’s former home until I can get into the endodontist. 

Truth be told I knew the tooth had a crack in it for a while now. But I hate visiting dentists almost as much as I hate swimming. Whatever I can do to avoid them. Even live in denial. 

Sounds wise, no?

We live much of life in denial. 

I think others see the image I see in the mirror. That she’s cranky – not me. That God gave me an extra measure of wisdom at my neighbor’s expense.

I think I can find fulfillment through what I do more than who I am. Through self-discovery more than Divine-discovery. Through abundance more than scarcity.

I think God’s standards should be like my standards. That God’s no more demanding than me. At least not of me. Of you, maybe. But not of me.

Sounds wise, no?

There’s no denying a cracked tooth needs to be fixed. I made the appointment.

Now to just feel the same way about my cracked life.