
2-Minute Multiplier: Approval

Affirmation courses through our veins thicker than the liquid they’re made for.

Whether it’s a dad’s voice from the past or a boss’ “Yes” in the present, our life-long journey involves seeking kudos and attagirls birthday after birthday.

Even those type-A drivers who swear they live for themselves solely. They are either grossly un-self-aware or prefer to deny for posterity sake.

Our past’s hold on us never lets us fully embrace Jesus’ offer of a grace-based identity. Performance sunk its roots deep in our psyche years ago. Especially when we find ourselves in roles centered on goals and outcomes.

It’s not that work and targets should be discarded in favor of a “trophies for all” approach. Our Father God designed us to work. Setting goals helps that work be productive.

It’s just that God only measures work and performance when it comes to Jesus. He’s the only one where that counts. His gift to you? All of His work and all of His performance is yours. Forever. We would be wise to daily remember that. 

Do you believe Jesus has given you a spot in His home? That His performance makes up for your lack-there-of?

That your relationship with God is eternally good and can never – never – be taken away from you?

A crazy example? In Acts 7, as the Church is being sent on a world-changing journey, a key player is introduced: Saul. Later renamed Paul.

As Stephen, a leader in the local Jerusalem church, is being stoned, Acts 7.60 says, “Saul approved of their killing him.”

God didn’t approve of Saul’s behavior. But He didn’t let Saul’s behavior keep Saul from experiencing God’s grace in Jesus. He sought out Saul. He redeemed Saul. He set him on a course that would change the world.

Jesus sought you out. He redeemed you. He’s set you on a course to change your corner of the world. 

Not by defining your life by the goals you hit and raises you grab. Rather by the grace you receive and grace you rest in and grace you give. 

You’ve got God’s approval. It’s yours in Jesus. Let it fill your heart. Let it fill your life.