
2-Minute Multiplier: Routine

How was your weekend? Mine included catching up on writing. Shoring up our home finance records. Compiling a June 2021 wedding invite list. Celebrating an 82nd birthday. Worship. A little golf.

Most of the above involving my wife. 

After a few weeks of hosting guests and family from around the country, “just my wife” brought just the right relaxing recipe.

I love hosting people. I especially love having my family with us. But I tend to forget how just one person who truly loves me and gets me for a few days refills me.

Routine often gets a bum wrap. 

But the routine of a loving relationship…of routinely listening and sharing…of routinely not demanding and simply being available…that routine routinely refreshes behind the scenes.

It’s like the thermostat on permanent hold at just the right temperature.

It’s like the garden hose trickling just the right amount of water to deeply soak the roots.

It’s like the auto-deposit of a royalty check that keeps the account from ever going negative.

Relationships were designed to recreate you routinely.

Jesus designed your relationship with Him to do that exponentially. Especially through His Spirit.

A Spirit who listens. Who loves. Who prays and pleads on your behalf.

A Spirit who restores your soul when the suffering and disappointment drain you.

A Spirit who never leaves in spite of how routinely you ignore it.

Regardless how you spent your weekend, start your Monday resting in Jesus.

Include Him in your routine. He’s included you in His.