Winter in the Texas Hill Country brings brown grasses and leafless trees. Deer thankful our neighborhood doesn’t allow hunting. And […]
Like many of you 2021 brought me new personal goals requiring new habits. My big goal? Weigh 15 pounds less […]
“Jello the armadillo was a mighty fine fellow.”
So went the famous opening line of a children’s story I made up last week.
Rather than read a tried-and-true, I decided to create my own best seller.
It involved Charlie the Crow and digging for gold and deciding what to do with the gold: deposit it in the bank or turn it into earrings for his wife.
The week between Christmas and New Year’s became an exercise in “Again!”
Jesus was at work in every one of your 365 days this year.
After starting as a 400m indoor race, 2020 took a hard right turn and morphed into a 6km cross country for professionals only.
Some names deserve the bottom shelf of the pantry back behind the waffle iron that’s used only once a year. If even.