Deb Ellinger, Executive Director of Elli’s House, shares how she went from arresting women in forced prostitution to serving them. […]
There are endless ways to serve communities, and what makes the difference between an idea and execution is a thoughtful […]
In a recent interview with Behind The GRIND, FiveTwo’s founder and president, Bill Woolsey, described FiveTwo’s endgame, the importance of flexible business ventures, and the strategy behind connecting people’s passion for Jesus and their passion for faith-based business or ministry.
In a recent interview with Petrus Development Podcast, FiveTwo’s founder and president, Bill Woolsey, shares the importance of unifying faith and business. He also talks through the characteristics of a successful sacred starter, and common mistakes sacred starters make and how FiveTwo’s training helps starters launch successful ventures that reach new people for Jesus.
Bill Woolsey is featured on the Faith Filled Entrepreneur podcast where he discusses the biggest mistakes sacred starters make and how they can use entrepreneurship and business principles to launch new ventures that impact communities.
In a recent interview with Fundraising Superheroes, FiveTwo’s founder and president, Bill Woolsey, shares his insights on why an earned income stream can be valuable to nonprofits. . .
Mission:Leadership’s Neal Joseph on Finding Great Leaders for Missions
Kurian Babykutty from 40 Parables on The Power of Story to Spread the Gospel